Posts by Tag

Power BI

Org Data in Power BI

less than 1 minute read

How to set up organisational data in Power BI and what you need to know to get it working right.

Shape Maps in Power BI

1 minute read

How to use ONS Local Authority shape maps in Power BI and how to create custom maps based of existing.

TextBlob and Power BI

less than 1 minute read

How to use TextBlob in Python to bring sentiment analysis to Power BI

RAKE in Power BI

1 minute read

How to use Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) using the Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK) in Python

NLP in PowerBI

3 minute read

How to use Python Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Power BI!

Starting Py-Fun!

less than 1 minute read

Intro to the blog and the stuff I am planning to do with Python and Power BI

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TextBlob and Power BI

less than 1 minute read

How to use TextBlob in Python to bring sentiment analysis to Power BI

RAKE in Power BI

1 minute read

How to use Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) using the Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK) in Python

NLP in PowerBI

3 minute read

How to use Python Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Power BI!

Lost in spaCy

less than 1 minute read

Post covering getting started with spaCy in Python for Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Starting Py-Fun!

less than 1 minute read

Intro to the blog and the stuff I am planning to do with Python and Power BI

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Natural Language Processing

TextBlob and Power BI

less than 1 minute read

How to use TextBlob in Python to bring sentiment analysis to Power BI

NLP in PowerBI

3 minute read

How to use Python Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Power BI!

Lost in spaCy

less than 1 minute read

Post covering getting started with spaCy in Python for Natural Language Processing (NLP)

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TextBlob and Power BI

less than 1 minute read

How to use TextBlob in Python to bring sentiment analysis to Power BI

RAKE in Power BI

1 minute read

How to use Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) using the Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK) in Python

NLP in PowerBI

3 minute read

How to use Python Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Power BI!

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Advanced Visual

Shape Maps in Power BI

1 minute read

How to use ONS Local Authority shape maps in Power BI and how to create custom maps based of existing.

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NLP in PowerBI

3 minute read

How to use Python Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Power BI!

Lost in spaCy

less than 1 minute read

Post covering getting started with spaCy in Python for Natural Language Processing (NLP)

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Shape Maps in Power BI

1 minute read

How to use ONS Local Authority shape maps in Power BI and how to create custom maps based of existing.

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Shape Maps in Power BI

1 minute read

How to use ONS Local Authority shape maps in Power BI and how to create custom maps based of existing.

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Org Data in Power BI

less than 1 minute read

How to set up organisational data in Power BI and what you need to know to get it working right.

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RAKE in Power BI

1 minute read

How to use Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) using the Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK) in Python

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RAKE in Power BI

1 minute read

How to use Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) using the Natural Language Tool Kit (NLTK) in Python

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TextBlob and Power BI

less than 1 minute read

How to use TextBlob in Python to bring sentiment analysis to Power BI

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TextBlob and Power BI

less than 1 minute read

How to use TextBlob in Python to bring sentiment analysis to Power BI

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Infographic Designer

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Bullet Journal

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Power BI Report Builder

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Data Engineering

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Data Architecture

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Architecture 101

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Data Lake

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